Jerusalem: An Indian origin Jew Am Shalem Singson was attacked in a reportedly racist attack in Israel’s Tiberias city, news reports said.
Am- Shalem Singson, 28, was from the Bnei Menashe community, in the North-Eastern state of Mizoram.
He was admitted to Poriya Hospital with severe chest injuries. He said he was badly beaten by two persons who called him a Chinese and yelled “Corona! Corona!.”
Official sources described the assault as ‘racist’.
Singston told the police that he tried to explain the attackers that he was not a Chinese and was not infected by Corona but it did not help.
The incident took place on Saturday.
The police are on the lookout for the two suspects, a leading Israeli TV channel reported. There were no witnesses to the incident and the police search is primarily on the CCTV footage in the area.