New York, September 29: In the event of Indo-Pak nuclear war, India will emerge as the ultimate winner after wiping off Pakistan, but lose up to 500 million of its own people, a book on former US President Bill Clinton’s presidential years has claimed.
Pulitzer Prize-Winning author and historian Taylor Branch claimed that the Indian leaders had portrayed such a scenario in the event of an Indo-Pak nuclear war (during Kargil conflict in 1999) to the then US President Clinton.
The portion on nuclear warfare appears in the chapter titled ‘Eight Missiles in Baghdad’, in which the author of the book claims that Clinton told him that New Delhi would nuke Pakistan annihilating the entire country, if anyone in Islamabad triggered the nuclear bombs against it.
“The president first scribbled a note to himself that Strobb Talbott owed him a report on his recent trip to South Asia,” Branch writes in his 700-page book ‘The Clinton Tapes: Wrestling History with the President’, referring to the taped conversations he had with Clinton in the White House.