India to witness five planets lined up in the night sky on Monday

Hyderabad: Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Uranus, and Mars will line up with the Moon in the skies in one of the most awaited celestial dances as seen for less than one hour from Earth after sunset on Monday.

The phenomenon can be witnessed after sunset when the planets will form an arc-shaped appearance just above the horizon.

Only some of these planets can be seen from Hyderabad from locations away from city lights with no tall buildings or mountains.

While most of the planets should be visible to the naked eye, using binoculars, or even a telescope would give a better view of Uranus and one maybe able to witness a five-planet procession.

Uranus will be above and left of Venus (easiest to spot with the naked eye) while Jupiter and Mercury would appear side-by-side, reported India Today.

Citizens may download astronomy apps like SkySafari and others that will help locate each planet in the night sky.

In this view, amateur astronomers are also participating in a Messier Marathon as 110 of the various deep sky objects catalogued by the French astronomer, Charles Messier, come into view.