Lucknow: Famous for his vicious, offensive and venomous statements, BJP MP Sakshi Maharaj has once again issued a statement which may surely spark controversy. This time he has targeted Muslim Personal Law Board and described it as the terrorists’ organisation. According to him the organisation belongs to terrorists and is dominated by people having extreme views. He supported Maulana Salman Nadwi who has recently been expelled by the Board. Maharaj said the voice of extremists is heard in the board, not the moderate persons. He reiterated that Ram Mandir must be constructed in Ayodhya.
When the Muslims themselves are spitting venom against the Board, no wonder non-Muslims are also getting chance to target it.
Recently Maulana Salman Nadwi after being expelled by the Board had said that voice of only extremists is heard in the Board. Going a step further UP Shia Central Waqf Board Chairman Wasim Rizvi went on to say that the Board is a terror organisation and should be banned.