New Delhi: Democratic country India is caught in nationwide unrest over the discriminatory Amendment Act that provides citizenship to illegal immigrants from other countries except the Muslim community.
While the nation remained silent when the BJP Government revoked the special Article in lone Muslim majority state Kashmir, the state has since then been in a grim situation with troops stationed in every street, corner, with all means of connectivity within the state and outside world completely cut off.
PM Narendra Modi has used his position to launch a full- scale assault on Muslim community that constitutes to 200 million population in the 1.3 billion populated nation.
The NDA-led-BJP government has pushed for certain religious amendments despite being a secular nation, such as Triple Talaq under Muslim law, has now become a punishable offence, with relief in the disputed Title suit in Ayodhya given to Hindu community despite demolition of Mosque on the disputed site.
The amended Citizenship act is targeted at the 200 Million Indian Muslims which leaves them stateless if not registered under the NRC.
The CAA largely provides citizenship for illegal immigrants from minority communities persecuted in other countries as long as they are not Muslims.
Though the law sailed through parliament without much protest, in India it has provoked massive protests throughout the country since it came into existence.
The New Yorker staffer Dexter Filkins who was recently in India to shoot a documentary reveals the grim reality of India.
In an interview with MSNBC, Filkins stated not only the Indian newspapers are hiding the ground reality of the despair the nation has fallen into but also the reports on television are concealing the facts where the one state’s minority Muslim labelled as illegal immigrants are persecuted in detention centres.
Images and videos of such inhuman torture against this community have emerged on the Internet while the PM denies existence of such detention centres.