Chennai: With the regulator in the real estate sector in place and various issues pertaining to real estate investment trust (REIT) getting sorted out, institutional funding is expected to flow into the domestic real estate sector, said an official of CBRE-India and South East Asia.
The CBRE is a $14.2 billion revenue global real estate consulting company which also arranges funding for project promoters as a part of its business.
The Indian arm of CBRE has arranged Rs 241 billion capital for its clients in India.
“Primarily we arrange debt and equity. After a slowdown, foreign capital has started looking at Indian real estate sector for investment,” Anshuman Magazine, Chairman, told reporters here on Wednesday.
He said this year the company had arranged funding of about Rs 3,500 crore for its clients.
According to him, domestic financial institutions will start investing in real estate sector.
Magazine said there were a couple of investors planning to promote REIT and waiting for the first one to get the licence and start operating.
Agreeing that Indian operations are small in CBRE’s global scheme of things, Magazine said it was the only market that was growing as compared to the US and the Europe.