In a first, women will soon be driving taxis in Oman

Muscat: In a significant move towards gender equality, women in the kingdom of Oman will soon be seen driving taxis and women-only taxis will be available from January 20, local media from the gulf country reported.

The taxi service will be launched on a trial basis at the Muscat Governorate and will be expanded to other governorates. The Ministry of Transport, Communications and Information Technology said it has issued a license for the female taxi service.

O-Taxi, a local taxi car service app, has given the green light to the new decision. Women’s taxi service will be available through Otaxy’s mobile app.

O-Taxi CEO Maqbali said there would be an immediate advancement of women into the school-college transportation sector.

Earlier, the Saudi Arabia’s traffic department had issued a public taxi permit to women. Later, 18 driving schools were started in various cities of the country.In a first, women will soon be driving taxis in Oman.