In a first, woman appointed board member to Saudi Bar Association

Riyadh: For the first time in the history of Saudi Arabia, a woman has been appointed as a member of the Saudi Bar Association (SBA) board of directors, the Saudi Press Agency (SPA) reported.

The Minister of Justice and Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Saudi Lawyers Authority, Dr. Walid bin Muhammad Al-Samaani, issued a decision appointing five members to the Board of Directors for the third session. 

The lawyers who have been named as members of the SBA board are Jasser Al-Jaser, Dr. Osama Al-Qahtani, Anas Al-Zamil, Dr. Luay Al-Aqas, and woman member Ether Al-Daej.

The Minister of Justice had approved the rules of professional conduct for lawyers, with the aim of developing the legal profession and raising its professional standards.

It is noteworthy that the SBA aims to increase the level of professional practice of lawyers in order to ensure their good performance, increase awareness of their professional duties and improve the professional practice of lawyers in the Kingdom.

The country in recent years adopted several reforms to empower women, including ensuring that women can drive cars, enter playgroups and stadiums, and pursue occupations that were previously accessible only to men.

After the transition to allow Saudi women to travel in the kingdom, from 2019 onwards Saudi Arabian women can also travel abroad without permission and may apply for their passports, ID documents, and all official registrations directly without requiring a male guardian (mahram).

In February 2021, Saudi Arabia opened up military posts for women for the first time which allowed them to report through a unified portal.

In the first, Saudi female officers were allowed to guard Islam’s holiest site not just that the women were allowed driving licenses, and even elected to councils, and so on.