Islamabad: Human Rights activists in Pakistan have lashed out at Imran Khan for turning blind eye to the brutal killing of Saudi Journalist Jamal Khashoggi and getting close to Saudi Arabia when the whole international community is trying to build pressure on Saudi Arabia. Journalist Umar Cheema tweeted that Imran Khan has shown the world that he is desperate.
Former senator Farhatullah Babar said that prime minister has visited Riyadh at a time when the new evidences are pointing towards Saud family. He tweeted, ‘Imran in Riyadh as new evidence in Khashoggi case ensnare House of Al Saud. Kingdom’s isolation and rattling monarchy may seem to create space for financial bailout. Remember, trade offs that are mercenary in character intrinsically unsustainable, will haunt Pakistan for long.
Noted TV anchor Talat Husain also slammed Imran Khan for taking a loan from Saudi Arabia. He tweeted, “even those countries that are drowning don’t say publicly “we are desperate for funds.” It is graceless and denigrates the country. PM Imran has said this and it is absolutely embarrassing.”