Hyderabad: An impromptu leaderless struggle by Muslim men for the past three nights led to accused Raja Singh’s arrest on Thursday under PD Act.
Though there are reports of police high handedness and excessive use of lathi charge against the men in the residential areas of Shalibanda Wednesday night. But in spite of that, they staged a peaceful protest with tricolour in front of the police commissioner’s office on Thursday.
It’s a surprise that no political party had called for a protest. This was an impromptu act by the city men to stage protests across the city which led to the authorities arresting the accused under PD act.
The city’s Muslim political leaders mainly issued statements appealing to the protesting men for restraint and peace. But once the accused was arrested these leaders congratulated the men for their success in keeping their protest peaceful.
Now it is a litmus test for Muslim men to ensure peace in the city on Friday as the communal forces with their vested interest communal agenda will try their best to spoil the peaceful environment of the city.