Imams and Muazzins deprived of honoraria for six-months

Hyderabad: Imams and Muazzins of Various masajid in Telangana have been deprived of their monthly honoraria for the past six months.

They did not receive these amounts since November 2018 under the pretext of promulgation Election Code of Conduct.

It is an ongoing scheme. This could have continued by taking permission from Election Commission.

It seems that the officials of the Dept. of Minorities are no longer interested in its implementation.

Earlier, Rs 1000 used to be paid. Later, it was enchased to Rs.1500.

Just before Assembly Election, Mr KCR enhanced it to Rs.5000. The amounts pertaining to September and October, 2018 were paid but after it, payments were stopped due to Eletion Code of Conduct.

Since Ramadan Festival is ahead, they request the Govt. of TS to make these payments.

[source_without_link]Siast News[/source_without_link]