BJP’s spokesperson Sambit Patra while taking part in a debate show on India Today had earlier disparagingly addressed a Congress spokesperson as Rahul Gandhi’s dog. It caused huge outrage on social media, forcing the show’s anchor Rajdeep Sardesai to issue an apology.
He has once again sparked a controversy for his comments during a debate on Aaj Tak. The subject of the debate was the name changing spree of BJP governments in states across India. This was after the BJP governments in Uttar Pradesh and Gujarat have recently changing or suggesting to change the Muslim-sounding names of historic cities.
During the debate on Aaj Tak a leader of the AIMIM stated that by changing the name of Lucknow’s Ekana Stadium to Atal Bihari Vajpayee stadium, the BJP had disrespected the Hindu God Vishnu.
Right after this, Mr Patra seemed to lose his cool and asked the AIMIM panellist if he considered himself the follower of Allah or Vishnu. To which, the spokesperson replied that he is a follower of Allah, he also respected other religions. Following which Mr Patra said, “Then, don’t shout and sit down, sit down or else we will change the name of any mosque to Lord Vishnu, then you will keep shouting.”
BJP Spokesperson Sambit Patra openly threatens to converts mosques to Vishnu temples, but no one, neither the anchor nor any panelist stop this rabble-rouser. There is no public outrage. AND, you expect Muslims to feel safe in India!!!
— Ashok Swain (@ashoswai) November 10, 2018