Mumbai: With both of his upcoming films featuring Parineeti Chopra as co-star, Arjun Kapoor quipped he is prepared to handle the link-up rumours with the actor. Arjun and Parineeti, who debuted together in Bollywood with “Ishaqzaade”, are reuniting for two projects – “Sandeep Aur Pinky Faraar” and “Namastey Canada”.”We are working in two films. First in ‘Sandeep aur Pinky Faraar’ and then, whether you’re satisfied or not, we will come together in ‘Namestey Canada’ as well.
So next year, I am going to be linked-up only with Parineeti because I would be working only with her,” Arjun joked.The actor was speaking on the sidelines of the launch of new Audi 5 range here last night. Directed by Dibakar Banerjee, “Sandeep Aur…” is a story of two people who represent two completely different groups of Indians.Arjun said he is busy preparing for the film and is spending time with the director to understand his character better.
“I am neck-deep in the prep for the film. I was in Delhi for a bit, I’ve been travelling with him, getting into the skin of the character. The film has a realistic texture so I had to spend time connecting with the world the film is set in.”Dibakar is clear about what he wants. I’ve given same number of days for prep as much I’ve given for the shoot. He wanted that from the beginning.
“Arjun was also asked about his reaction to the posters of “Padmavati”, which stars his friends, Ranveer Singh, Deepika Padukone and Shahid Kapoor.”Sanjay Leela Bhansali is a fantastic director. Because of him, somewhere we still have ‘big screen’ experience films.”He is the filmmaker who gives you that scale and look in a film which compels you to go to the theatres.
The characters are real yet larger than life,” he said.The actor said besides Deepika-Ranveer, it will be interesting to watch Shahid in the film.”I am excited. I know Ranveer and Deepika have a fantastic tuning with Bhansali sir. I am equally excited to watch Shahid in a film. After a long time, we have a two hero film,” he said.