IITK to release GATE 2023 admit cards today – Steps to download

Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur (IITK) is going to release the Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE) 2023 admit cards today and aspirants can download them from the official website.

GATE 2023 which is a national-level exam for admission into post-graduation and doctoral programs is going to be held on February 4, 5, 11, and 12 in two sessions.

Steps to download GATE 2023 admit cards

GATE 2023 admit cards can be downloaded from the official website of IITK once it is released today.

Following are the steps to download GATE 2023 admit cards

  1. Visit the official website of IITK (Click here).
  2. Enter your registration number and date of birth
  3. Once the details are submitted, admit card will appear on the screen and it can be downloaded.

List of GATE 2023 papers

In 2023, the GATE will be conducted for 29 papers. Candidates are allowed to write at most of two papers.

Following is the list of GATE 2023 papers

  1. Aerospace Engineering
  2. Agricultural Engineering
  3. Architecture and Planning
  4. Biomedical Engineering
  5. Biotechnology
  6. Civil Engineering
  7. Chemical Engineering
  8. Computer Science and Information Technology
  9. Chemistry
  10. Electronics and Communication Engineering
  11. Electrical Engineering
  12. Environmental Science & Engineering
  13. Ecology and Evolution
  14. Geomatics Engineering
  15. Geology and Geophysics
  16. Instrumentation Engineering
  17. Mathematics
  18. Mechanical Engineering
  19. Mining Engineering
  20. Metallurgical Engineering
  21. Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering
  22. Petroleum Engineering
  23. Physics
  24. Production and Industrial Engineering
  25. Statistics
  26. Textile Engineering and Fibre Science
  27. Engineering Sciences
  28. Humanities & Social Sciences
  29. Life Sciences

GATE 2023 question paper pattern

GATE 2023, a Computer Based Test (CBT), will consist of two sections viz., General Aptitude and selected subject. The duration of the exam will be three hours.

Out of 65 questions in the exam paper, only 10 will be from general aptitude and rest will be from the selected subject. In the paper, types of the questions will be Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ), Multiple Select Questions (MSQ) and/or Numerical Answer Type (NAT) questions.

There will be negative markings for incorrect answers to MSQ and NAT questions.

Apart from GATE 2023 admit cards, previous years’ question papers can be downloaded.