NEW DELHI: Taking cues from the Bollywood actor Akshay Kumar’s completely ‘informal’ and ‘non-political’ interview of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, news anchor Ravish Kumar transformed his regular prime-time slot on NDTV into an ‘apolitical’ on Wednesday, 24 April.
“We thought of doing something different tonight,” he added.
Picking the question especially mangoes, Kumar- Ravish and not Akshay said, “If politicians are indulging in non-political interactions, especially during the election season, why shouldn’t we? Why not eat mangoes instead,” Ravish declared, in his show.
During his “non-political” interaction, Akshay’s first question to PM Modi is, “Does Prime Minister Narendra Modi eat mangoes? And if he does, does he cut it into pieces or eat it as a whole, with the seed?”
Of course, Twitter had thoughts on this totally ‘mango prime time’ slot.
This episode by @ravishndtv will go down in the history of journalism ~
Extreme laughter will be followed by an empty void, tears and a feeling of helplessness… Thank you @narendramodi for this emotional rollercoaster ride…
— Kunal Kamra (@kunalkamra88) April 24, 2019
Must watch Ravish Kumar's hilarious take on Modi-Akshay Kumar's apolitical interview.
I have never seen Ravish like this before. His wit, sarcasm & expressions are priceless. Could see he, himself was having a hard time keeping a straight face😂😂😂😂😂
— Mich Vin (@VMimi09) April 25, 2019
Instead of answering questions on burning issues like unemployment and rural distress, @narendramodi is telling the nation how he eats mangoes. I urge you to watch @ravishndtv’s takedown of the PM’s apathy & ignorance towards real issues.
— Jignesh Mevani (@jigneshmevani80) April 25, 2019
Every television anchor should profusely thank Ravish Kumar for rescuing television journalism from the depths of disgrace and ensuring it still retains some modicum of credibility…
— Rohini Singh (@rohini_sgh) April 25, 2019
Purely apolitical, but hilarious! 😆😆😆😆😆
Please watch Ravish becoming sarcasm itself, and please note…any resemblance to anyone is unintentional. At least on my part!
— VISHAL DADLANI (@VishalDadlani) April 24, 2019
This comment:
If life gives you a Kumar
Be Ravish not Akshay 💯Ravish Kumar @ravishndtv @ndtv #BestJournalist
— M. A. Ilias الیاس (@IliasIyaz) April 24, 2019
If you give a miss, then here is the video where Ravish Kumar decodes ‘non- political’ PM Modi-Akshay chat