New Delhi: Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leader and former union minister Subramanian Swamy has appealed to begin construction of Ram temple in Ayodhya and warned that if the same is not done, a nation-wide movement could be launched against BJP. Mr Swamy tweeted ‘if Prime Minister Narendra Modi could not implement the solution put forth by former Prime Minister PV Narasimha Rao and doesn’t begin construction of Ram temple then nation-wide movement could be launched against BJP. Mr Modi should not take this risk.’
BJP leader told this while presenting the copy of the affidavit submitted to the court on September 14, 1994, by the government. It was written in the statement that the government is bound to resolve Ram Janmabhoomi issue. If the Supreme Court decides that there was a temple at the site before Babri Masjid then the government will respect the demand of Hindus, if the judgment comes against it, it will support Muslims’ demand.