Mumbai: Board Of Control For Cricket in India’s (BCCI) secretary Amitabh Chaudhry on Monday told that the International Cricket Council (ICC) has been in constant touch with the BCCI and that the ICC has conveyed to them that boycotting any country from where terror emanates is not within the domain of the ICC.
“ICC Chairman after discussing with the with the board has conveyed to us that boycotting any country from where terror emanates is not within the domain of ICC,” Amitabh Chaudhry told reporters.
BCCI had previously written a letter to the ICC raising two concerns, one was of security of the players and fans. The second matter was related to suggesting India and other members take no part with teams which come from areas where terror emanates from.
There has been a huge outcry in the country urging India not to play against Pakistan in the World Cup after a terror attack in Kashmir’s Pulwama on February 14.
“The main concern raised by us was of security of players and the fans which the ICC has decided to look after. The ECB representative Colin graves also said the same view,” Chaudhry added.
When questioned about India’s World Cup squad, the secretary said that the deadline will be followed by the management to name the squad.
“Selection of players is of paramount importance and we will follow the ICC deadline for naming the players,” he said.
India is scheduled to play against Pakistan in a World Cup group stage match on June 16.