The state government on Tuesday posted senior IAS officer Chaya Ratan as special chief secretary, home department, and in her place posted Nilam Sawhney as principal secretary of women and children, disabled and senior citizen department. D Sambasiva Rao was transferred from secondary education and posted as principal secretary of finance in place of Ranjeev Acharya who has gone on leave.
Rajeshwar Tiwari, metropolitan commissioner of HMDA was transferred and posted as principal secretary of secondary education while Mohd Ali Rafath, presently secretary of minorities’ welfare department was posted as secretary in industries and commerce department.
Praveen Prakash, presently managing director, AP Dairy Development Cooperative Federation Ltd was given the job of commissioner, public health and family welfare, to fill the post lying vacant after Y Srilakshmi was arrested.
Dana Kishore, who had a feud with pollution control board chairman Janaki Kondepi was transferred out and posted as minority welfare secretary. In place of Dana Kishore, East Godavari district collector M Ravichandra was posted as PCB member secretary.
J Shyamala Rao, presently managing director of APHM & HIDC and an out-of-AP-cadre officer was posted as metropolitan commissioner, HMDA in place of Rajeshwar Tiwari. Anita Rajendra, director of disabled welfare was Prakasam district collector. Kantilal Dande posted as commissioner of handlooms and textiles.Neetu Kumari Prasad, presently joint collector of Nalgonda district was transferred and elevated as collector of East Godavari district . IRTS officer TRK Rao was transferred from disaster management department and posted as managing director of Sports Authority of Andhra Pradesh.