Mumbai: Bollywood actor Govinda, who ruled cinema is the late 80s and 90s, has maintained distance from the screen for quite sometime now. In a interview, the actor opened up on the nepotism and struggles he faced in his career.
Actor’s ‘new self’
Speaking to Times Of India, Govinda has said that he has become ‘more corrupt and bitter’ and ‘business-like’ now, whereas the Govinda of old was ‘pious’. He said that a conspiracy has been hatched against him in the film industry, probably to sideline him by not offering him good roles and putting obstacles in the release of his movies.
“No, it is the opposite; I have become more corrupt and bitter. These days, I party, smoke, and also drink. The old Govinda was very pious. Earlier, my emotional nature came in the way of my work but today, I don’t get emotional. I deal with situations more practically and business-like.”
Govinda added that he has even witnessed Amitabh Bachchan struggle in his career.
Lost 16 crores to make my films work, says Govinda
Govinda further spoke about how he was treated badly in the industry and said that over the last 14-15 years, he has lost nearly 16 crores in making his films work. “In the last 14-15 years, I have invested money and lost around Rs 16 crore. I was treated badly by some people from the fraternity too. My films didn’t get theatres and they wanted to demolish my career, which didn’t happen”, the actor said.
Govinda was last seen playing a double role in Pahlaj Nihalani produced Rangeela Raja (2019). He is best known for his comic roles. The actor also said that he has 3-4 projects in his kitty and will be locking one soon.