Rome, October 30: Italian PM Silvio Berlusconi said he loved life and women and would not apologise for enjoying himself after new reports of girls and parties at his home were splashed across front pages.
Italian newspapers have reported that a 17 year-old Moroccan known as “Ruby” told Milan magistrates she had attended parties at Berlusconi’s residence in Arcore, triggering a fresh scandal over the prime minister’s private life.
Berlusconi said he did not want to add to what Ruby had said but he did not deny entertaining her at his villa.”I am a playful person, full of life. I love life, I love women,” he said.
The 74-year-old said he was entitled to some relaxation after strains of office. “If, every now and then, I feel the need for a relaxed evening, to tell some jokes, for mental therapy, to clear my brain from all worries, I think that is part of my personality,” he said.