Hyderabad: If necessity is truly the mother of innovation, the need to protect the human body from the coronavirus has given birth to an inventor. Except the inventor is already 49 and not an engineer. Mohammed Iftekhar, a resident of Moughalpura has designed disinfectants that have taken different forms. One is a six and a half body disinfectant tunnel with a shower that disinfects objects and people with the hydroxychloroquine. Another one of his creations is a UV Germiscidical multipurpose disinfectant that decontaminates the body and room. The third is a chamber which functions as a disinfectant box.

Although Iftekhar studied commerce, his true passion always lay in designing electronic gadgets. His innovative acumen was gouged into action as he designed a disinfectant tunnel within four days right when the pandemic entered the country. Two of his friends who work as an electrician and welder were also helpful while designing the projects.
By using UVC refers to Ultraviolet light, he designed the Germicidal multipurpose disinfectant chamber disinfectants all daily usage items like clothes, bags, and even essential items bought from the outdoor, the UV light is to disinfect the human body and a room. It was designed with the UV light with 254 NM which disinfects within the range of six inches in three seconds and the entire room in 20 minutes.
“These should be kept away from infants and pregnant women,” says the inventor.
He is also working on the disinfectant box which can be used as a counter box in shops, malls and etc. He would first use this box in his father’s shop located in Begum Bazar.
“I designed the disinfectant tunnel for the masjid near my house in Moghalpura, but with mosques and other religious places aptly shut down during lockdown, I decided to use the tunnel for my home,” mentions Iftekhar.
With lockdown period limiting the supply of parts and components, he designed this through the electric manual system as sensor item was not available due to lockdown he may turn this project into the automatic system after the lockdown with the help of sensors the project can track the person or any other item and automatically starts programming.
He adds, “These projects’ usages are not limited to pandemic crises but they can be used in households to protect themselves from bacteria and viruses.”
Plus, he clarified that these, for now, he is using them in his personal capacity. This will only make its way to the market once the projects are approved by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration).
As for what next for the inventor, he is working on various types of projects which will help protect people from various types of bacteria and infections. Plus, only with eased restrictions will Iftekhar be able to unleash more innovation.