Hyderabad: Lodging a complaint with the Assistant Commissioner of Police, Cyber Crime Station, Hyderabad Deputy Mayor Baba Fasihuddin claimed that false posts are being circulated on social media platforms regarding his health status.
The personal secretary of the Deputy Mayor lodged the complaint, based on which a case was booked at the Hyderabad Cyber Crime police station on Tuesday.
According to the New Indian Express, the complaint stated that certain individuals have been spreading rumours about the health status of Baba Fasihuddin on social media platform.
It must be recalled that a GHMC employee tested positive for COVID-19 on Monday, following which the sanitation wing at the civic body’s head office in Tank Bund was sealed off as a precautionary measure. GHMC officials asked all the employees working on the floor not to come to office for the next few days and were permitted to work from home.