Hyderabad Zakat & Charitable Trust supports orphan students

Hyderabad: Orphan students’ dream to pursue their education came true as the city-based NGO Hyderabad Zakat & Charitable Trust (HZCT) offered them a financial support of Rs. 2.48 Cr. Ladies wing of the organisation presented scholarships to orphan students of 2019-2020. More than 10,663 beneficiaries including orphan girls and boys were awarded scholarships. 

This scholarship programme for orphan was started over 8 years ago by the ladies wing of HZCT under the guidance of Mr. Ghiasuddin Babukhan the Scholarship is awarded to orphans schooling to degree courses in various schools and colleges across Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. The Scholarship awarded ranges between 2,000 To Rs.5,000.

Ten Districts of Telengana (6,961 beneficiaries), 8 district of Coastal Andhra (1,887 beneficiaries), 4 Districts of Rayalseeema  (1815 beneficiaries).

Inspectors of HZCT scrutinize the applicants and help mothers open joint accounts in respective join names and amounts are transferred to these accounts after due verification and personal interviews of the applicants with their mother.

Mr. Ghiasuddin Babukhan Chairman HZCT said, “The purpose of this programme is to help and assist the orphans that Allah SWT has very specifically mentioned in the Quran.  Welfare and taking care of the Orphans is a very big SAWAB and given the responsibility to the Ummah to take care of these young boys and girls left behind by their father/mother an early age.  If we take care of their education and make them self reliant, besides getting sawab we will be doing a great service to these young students for their life. He thanked all the donors and contributors of this programme,” He added.

This ‘Orphan’ programme is taken up round the year and monitored by Mrs. NusrathZiauddin, Mrs. Ashgari Ahmed, Mrs.DurdanaMahmood, Mrs. Sameena Nemath, Mrs. Aliya Vicar Shaik Imam, and Mrs. Nafis Khan of ICNA Canada.