Hyderabad: On receiving a complaint from a citizen that an unidentified man was stalking and harassing his daughter by sending messages through e-mail, the SHE Teams plunged into action and on a tip-off, they found that the accused was residing in Sri Venkateshwara Apartment, Jeedimetla area and apprehended him.
When interrogated, the accused identified himself as P. Tilak Manikanta, 19, a student residing at Flat No. 204, Sri Venkateshwara Apartments, Jeedimetla and admitted his guilt. A case was registered against the youth under Section 70(C) of City Police Act. He was produced before the XI Special Metropolitan Magistrate, Nampally, who sentenced the accused for four days imprisonment and a fine of Rs 50.
The SHE Teams said the victims need not suffer in silence and alert them by dialing 100 or use Hawk eye mobile app in case of emergency. Complaint can be sent to whatsapp number-9490616555, mail us at hydsheteam@gmail.com, or post on our Face book page SHETEAM, or tweet at hydsheteams twitter handle. Victims can directly walk into the office of SHE TEAMS and BHAROSA, Opposite Kalanjali complex, Nampally. (NSS)