Hyderabad: In Chandanagar, a 30-year-old woman committed suicide. She took this extreme step allegedly due to harassment by her husband.
According to the report published in DC, the woman, Ganji Rekhi was an IT employee. She got married 10 years ago and her husband, Ujwal is also an IT employee.
It is also reported that on Saturday evening, the couple had attended a party which was organized by their company. They returned home at around 11:30 p.m. and slept in separate rooms.
However, on Sunday morning, Ujwal found his wife’s body hanging from the ceiling. He informed Rekhi’s family members and the police.
Meanwhile, the family of the deceased alleged that she was being harassed by her husband over financial matter.
Rajini, Rekha’s elder sister registered a complaint. Police is investigating the case.
It may be mentioned that a suicide noted was recovered by police. It is sent to the forensic laboratory. In the note, Rekha reportedly wrote that nobody is responsible for her death.