Hyderabad witnessing spurt in diseases with onset of monsoon

Hyderabad: With the onset of monsoon in Hyderabad, cases of vector and water-borne diseases have witnessed a surge in the city.

Speaking to ANI, Superintendent of Hyderabad-based Government Fever Hospital, Dr Shankar on Wednesday said that from the past one week, the cases in the outpatient department has increased to 1,000 patients in which 225 suspicious viral fever cases have been reported.

“Jaundice cases have also been increased in this month after the monsoon hit the city. In July till date, as many as 50 jaundice cases have been reported in the hospital. Waterborne diseases like typhoid have also witnessed a surge. In the last 15 days, two dengue cases and one chikungunya case have been also treated in the hospital,” Dr Shankar informed.

According to the doctor, in coming days, at least till September, there will be a more drastic increase in viral fever and the vector-borne diseases such as dengue, chikungunya and malaria.

The doctors are advising the public to eat a healthy diet and keep themselves away from any such place that breeds mosquitoes.

Dengue, malaria and chikungunya are the most common diseases caused during monsoon which spreads through mosquito bites or parasites born in stagnated water.

The cases of such diseases increase in monsoon season due to the problem of water clogging which makes it a breeding ground for mosquitoes.