Hyderabad: The first day of the e-auction of plots at Uppal Bagayath fetched the Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority (HMDA) a whopping revenue of Rs 141.61 crores.
23 small and medium-sized plots sized between 150 and 1787 totalling 19719 square yards were re-auctioned and the maximum bid for a square yard was Rs. 1.01 lakh against the upset price of Rs, 35000. The lowest bid for the same was at Rs. 53000. The average bid stood at Rs 71,815 per square yard.
12 plots were re-auctioned in the first session on Thursday for an amount of Rs 97.27 crores. The highest bid and lowest were Rs. 77,000 per square yard and Rs 53000 per square yard respectively.
Special Chief Secretary for Urban development Arvind Kumar has put up all the details regarding the auction on his Twitter account.
The remaining plots will be auctioned on Friday starting from 9 am. With the upset price of Rs 35000, these notified plots range from 150 square yards to 15,149 square yards.