Hyderabad: Two men were detained by the commissioner’s task force for allegedly consuming and selling drugs near Big Bazaar, Ameerpet, on Sunday. The police seized three kilograms of ganja from them.
The accused identified as Krneedi Ravi Teja, 31, who works in Qualfon Technologies Private Limited, and Gokarla Papa Rao, 27, who is AC Technician in Hemair System India Private Limited.
According to the police, the accused Ravi Teja moved to Hyderabad, from Andhra Pradesh, seven years ago for a job, but his income wasn’t enough for his lavish desires. His friend Karthik, a ganja supplier, introduced him to another accused Rao, in the same illegal business. Teja and Rao bought ganja from Karthik at a low price and sold it at a higher price to consumers.
The trio was caught as Teja and Rao met at Big Bazaar to sell ganja bought from Kartik. The police based on credible information apprehended the accused in the act and seized three kilograms of ganja from them. The accused have been handed over to the Punajgutta police for further investigation.