Hyderabad: The Nampally police on Wednesday arrested two drug peddlers in the city and seized materials worth 3,50,000 which include 30 gms of heroin, Rs.7000 cash, two cell phones etc.
The Commissioner’s task force, North Zone team along with Nampally police conducted a raid at Hotel Royal Residency in the limits of Nampally PS and apprehended two accused, Ifthekhar (34) and Nandipati Krishna Kishore (45) for illegally procuring and possessing narcotic drug like heroin & mephedrone (MD) in order to deliver the same to customers at a high price.
According to the police, their third accomplice Mohammed Salman who is from Banjara Hills is absconding.
As per police, accused Nandipati Krishna while staying in Mumbai, used to consume drugs and came in contact with Ifthekhar and started purchasing drugs from him. After this, both of them collectively started selling drugs to customers in Hyderabad, said the police.
The seized materials along with the accused persons were handed over to SHO, Nampally PS for further investigation.