Hyderabad: TSSPDCL assistant engineer caught red-handed taking bribe

Hyderabad: TSSPDCL assistant engineer (operations) in Parsiguttta, Secunderabad was caught red-handed by the Anti Corruption Bureau (ACB) officials when he demanded and accepted a bribe of Rs 20,000 on Tuesday.

A contractor O G Surjeet Singh, lodged a complaint with the ACB office alleging the official Gandla Naresh, was demanding a bribe of Rs 20,000 to hand over work orders pertaining to the complainant’s electric contract work.

The ACB officials laid a trap and caught him red-handed when he accepted the bribe. The left hand of Naresh tested positive in the chemical test done by ACB after the trap to identify fingerprints.

He was produced before the Principle Special Judge for SPE and ACB cases court at Nampally. The case is under investigation.