Hyderabad: Ruling Telangana Rashtra Samithi corporator’s son was arrested by the cyber cell of Rachakonda Police on Saturday. The accused, Abhishek Goud, allegedly harassed a woman via Facebook by insisting cyber sex and uploading morphed photos of her on the social media and porn websites.
CCS Police of Hyderabad had also arrested Malkajgiri corporator N Jagadeeshwar Goud’s son Abhishek in September for similar charges.
As reported by India today, the 25-year-old victim received a friend request from a fake female profile, named “Vara Darling”. Soon she started receiving lewd messages asking her for cyber sex. She also received videos of explicit content on her Facebook Messenger. When the victim tried to reprimand the sender, she received a morphed photograph of a nude girl with her face on it.
Police registered a case U/s 292, 201, 354 D, 507 IPC and Section 66 (C), 66 (E), 67, 67 (A) IT Act Based on her complaint.
During the investigation it was found that 20-year-old Abhishek Goud was the user of Facebook ID “Vara Darling”. Corporator’s son turned out to be a habitual offender hence strict action is planned against him.