Hyderabad: Tomato prices rise due to supply-demand mismatch

Hyderabad: Tomato prices is skyrocketing in Hyderabad due to supply-demand mismatch and rise in fuel prices.

Apart from above two reasons, summer season is also responsible for the high prices. The retailers and supermarkets in Hyderabad are selling tomatoes at prices that is ranging from Rs 60-110 per kilogram.

In the first week of April, it was Rs. 10 to Rs. 12 a kilogram. It reached Rs. 50 to Rs. 60 a kilogram in the first week of May.

During the summer season, especially in May, the supply of tomatoes from the farms within the state decreases due to crop damage.

In order to satisfy the demand of the tomatoes, local traders get the vegetable from other states. However, due to rise in fuel prices, the traders are forced to increase the prices to pass on the expenses.

At present, around 60 percent of Hyderabad’s tomato demand is being catered by the supply of the vegetable from other states.

It is expected that the tomato prices in Hyderabad will come down by mid-June.