Hyderabad to witness hottest February in 3 years as temperature rises

Hyderabad: The residents of Hyderabad who have already started feeling summer heat may witness the hottest February in the last three years as the temperature is set to cross 37 degrees on Sunday.

In the last three years, the highest maximum temperature recorded in February was 36 degrees Celsius in 2021.

In the current year, the temperature in Hyderabad crossed 35 degrees Celsius and almost reached 36 degrees Celsius thrice in February.

Temperature in Hyderabad rises

As per the report released by India Meteorological Department (IMD) Hyderabad yesterday, the city recorded a maximum temperature of 35.9 degrees Celsius.

The maximum temperatures in other districts are also more than the normal temperatures in February. While Hyderabad witnessed a 2.3 degree Celsius departure from normal temperature, the highest departure i.e., 3.2 degree Celsius was recorded by Hakimpet.

In the entire temperature, the highest maximum temperature i.e., 37 degree Celsius was recorded by Adilabad, Badrachalam, and Mahabubnagar.

Hyderabad to witness harsher summer this year

As per weather predictions, Hyderabad is likely to witness a harsher summer season this year. The reason behind it could be the El Nino event.

El Nino event can not only increase the temperature in Hyderabad during the summer but also affected rainfall and crop output.

It is a climate pattern that results in the abnormal warming of surface water in the eastern tropical Pacific Ocean. This effect can cause the sea surface temperature to rise by as much as 4 to 5 degrees Celsius above normal. It has a profound impact on weather patterns all over the world.

El Nino is an important part of the climate system, and its effects can be felt for less than a year.