Hyderabad: A three-year-old nursery student named Mohd Ayaan Azam drowned in a swimming pool at a resort in Moinabad. The DPS Future Windows School of Mehdipatnam on Saturday took the 75 children and their families to the picnic at a resort.
The parents of the deceased student alleged that it was the negligence of the school staff due to which their son died.
“The incident happened around 2 pm. Azam slipped into the pool and drowned when he was left unattended,” DCP Shamshabad N. Prakash Reddy said.
The DCP further stated that the criminal action would be taken after a thorough investigation and the parents can approach the court with their complaint and the school’s licence can be cancelled.
Rubina, a senior employee at the school while speaking to the Deccan Chronicle said “I personally know Azam and the family as well. Eleven children from the family are studying in the school. Ayaan was an adorable kid and is not someone who was naughty. If asked to stand at one place for two hours, he would do so.”
A school official in a statement said “The boy’s family had 30 members at the resort including the parents, grandparents and other relatives. We asked the lifeguard to leave as the women wearing hijab and salwar kameez were getting into the pool and were not comfortable. If it was the school’s fault, I would have hanged myself but his whole family was present there and Azam’s mother was heard shouting and scolding his father, asking him how he could he leave the child unattended, to which he replied that he had gone to the washroom.”
A case was booked under Section 304-A (death by negligence) of IPC against the school and the boy’s body was shifted to Osmania General Hospital for post-mortem examination.
[source_without_link]Deccan Chronicle[/source_without_link]