Hyderabad: Hyderabad’s temperature touches to 39 degrees Celsius on Friday which was the highest in the month. The Meteorological Department (IMD) alerted the rise in temperature in the coming days.
According to the news published in Times of India, the temperature will remain 40 degree Celsius till the end of the month said the IMD.
The officials said that the temperature was higher about two degrees then the usual. “This time of the year is usually considered to be the pre-monsoon season. But this week there has been no activity which could have disseminated rain-bearing clouds over the state. This is why temperatures have risen to such an extent,” Mahesh Palawat, chief meteo rologist, Skymet, said.
There was rain till March 19 due to the disruptions in the western coast which bought the rain to the central and southern but now such action is calm he added.
“It is not just meteorological reasons that contribute to such a rise in the temperature. Since the local land-use pattern in Hyderabad has also changed the city has fallen prey to the Urban Heat Island effect,” said Dr K J Ramesh, director general, IMD.