Hyderabad: T-Works, CARE India create non-polluting cookstove

Hyderabad: T-Works, India’s largest prototyping centre entered into an agreement with CARE India, to collaboratively build affordable and accessible innovations in health, education, economic empowerment and humanitarian assistance that could be expanded globally.

Care India is a non-profit organisation emphasising the empowerment of marginalised women and girls.

Working with vulnerable communities, both the organisations are taking on multiple challenges of air pollution in households due to inefficient cooking practices such as the usage of traditional ‘chulha’ or cookstoves.

According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), every year almost four million people die prematurely due to illnesses caused by household air pollution from inefficient cooking practices.

Challenges regarding access to resources, a threat to fragile landscapes and potential increased female labour are other issues that would be addressed through the invention.

T-Works and CARE India have also begun efforts towards improving access to an outcome-based delivery of Foundational and STEAM learning for children in rural areas. Access delivery mechanisms and pedagogies crucial for children to excel in an innovation-led world are key impact areas.

T-Works and CARE India are creating mobile labs with scientific models and laboratory setups to facilitate learning through their Design Center.

In the next three years, CARE India plans to expand its programmatic impact by leveraging innovations developed together with T-Works.

As part of this collaboration, T-Works with its designing, prototyping, and production capability will build impactful solutions and CARE with its deep understanding of social problems and implementation strengths will build and deliver high impact programs in India and globally.

“While T-Works facilitates startups, SMEs, and corporates to build the next generation of products and solutions, we also have a mandate to bring positive change in the lives of the underprivileged. We are already doing this through the Rural Innovation Development Program and Healthcare Innovation Development Program,” said CEO T-Works, Sujai Karampuri.

“CARE is a humanitarian organisation in India for more than 70 years and part of CARE global confederation, which has impacted more than 400 Mn people in over 100 countries,” said CEO CARE India, Manoj Gopalakrishna.

In the past, the two firms have jointly conducted immersion programs in Karnataka and Odisha. The teams studied CARE India’s programs on Improved Cook Stoves (ICS) and conducted ethnographic interviews to understand the problem from the users’ standpoint.

This will lead to the conceptualisation, creation and execution of human-centric solutions, toward solving the household smoke-emission challenge.