Hyderabad: In a bizarre incident, twenty-two colts were torn apart to death by stray dogs that had sneaked into a farmhouse between Ghatkesar and Uppal, on the outskirts of Hyderabad, on Wednesday night (May 8). The dogs also killed a baby goat.
When the owner Rawala Mallesh Kumar and his family reached their farm in the morning and found the colts massacred they started crying inconsolably. Kumar, a farmer, and his wife Jangamma loved farm animals. That is one of the main reasons why they had decided to raise the colts. “When the couple reached the farm which is close to their house to feed the animals they were shattered to see the bloody scene,” a person who lives in the locality said.
A huge crowd gathered near the farmhouse to witness the sad scene. Incidentally, whoever came to see the torn off bodies of the young animals went back with tear in their eyes.
Local people reported that the area is overflowing with stray dogs. “We have reported to the Municipal Corporation several times but they take no action. Sometimes, the stray dogs have also been assaulting our school going children,” Yadiah, a daily wager who lives in the area, said.