Hyderabad: In an inhuman act, a 70-year-old paralyzed woman was left abandoned on road by her three sons. Later, they took her home after police counseling. This incident took place in Golnaka, Amberpet.
As per the report, the woman, Kamlamma was staying along with her sons after the demise of her husband that took place recently. After a few days, her sons left her on road after transferring the properties on their name.
The locals who saw the woman on the road informed the police.
Counseling by police
After knowing the details, cops arranged a counseling session for her sons. Following the session, they decided to take their mother home.
It is not an isolated incident. During coronavirus pandemic, many similar incidents came to light.
Similar incident
Earlier, in a similar incident that occurred in Hyderabad’s Filmnagar, a woman who defeated coronavirus was forced to spend a night on the road as her son and daughter-in-law did not allow her to come inside their house.