HYDERABAD: After setting his mother on fire, a Son committed suicide by immolating himself at Peddemul village in Tandur of Vikarabad district. The mother-son duo died while another member of the family is battling for life after receiving burn injuries.
According to Tandur inspector (rural) C Saidi Reddy, a widown, H Yellamma (50), was living with her son Krishna (23) and daughter-in-law Bujjamma (21) in Peddemul village. After her husband passed away, Yellamma entered into a physical relationship with a young boy Naresh, from the same village.
On Friday night, Krishna saw his mother and Naresh in an intimate position and thus went on to settle the issue in front of elders in the village. A Panchayat was organised for settlement on Saturday. During discussions, Naresh told the elders that Yellamma had invited him but he denied and said that he entered her house to steal valuables and complained that articles worth around Rs.10,000 were missing from her house, said the inspector.
“On the elders’ suggestion, Naresh paid the money and was warned to stay away from the family. During evening, a dispute arose between Yellamma and her daughter-in-law about the former’s alleged illegal relationship. Embarrassed with the conditions, Yellamma poured kerosene on herself and at the same time her son Krishna walked in. After listening to his mother and wife, enraged Krishna set his mother ablaze and then immolated himself. Bujjamma who went to rescue her husband also suffered burn injuries,” said the inspector.
The trio was admitted to a district hospital in Tandur, where Yellamma and Krishna died, while Bujjamma is still undergoing treatment.