Hyderabad: In a shocking incident, a man butchered to death his own 80-year-old father at their residence in Malkajgiri and later segregated the body parts and stuffed them in plastic buckets.
The incident came to light on Sunday evening when the area locals called the police complaining about foul smell.
Preliminary enquiry revealed the man may have been killed on Friday night. Police recorded statements of the accused’s mother and sister
“We found three-four buckets full of human flesh. The CLUES Team was called in to collect evidence, which was sent to the laboratory for tests,” said Malkajgiri ACP G Sundeep.
The deceased was identified as M Kishan and the suspect is said to be his son, also named Kishan, who is currently at large. The family of four, which includes father, mother, son and daughter,
live in the house.
Based on preliminary enquiry, it was learned that the murder was committed on Friday night. We have taken statements from the accused’s mother and sister who talked about financial disputes in the family, and that they suspect Kishan to have committed the crime,” ACP Sundeep said.
The family had not files any missing person report after M Kishan went missing
three days ago. Based on a complaint, a case was booked under Section 302 (murder) of IPC and an investigation was launched. The Malkajgiri police started a hunt for the absconding suspect.
Authored by Mohammed Hussain mohammedhussain.reporter@gmail.com