Hyderabad: Seasonal diseases grip twin cities as mercury dips

Hyderabad: With the increase in the cold wave in Hyderabad, the number of asthma patients besides cold, fever, flu and allergy has seen a sharp increase during the last two days and most of the pharmacies in the city of Hyderabad are flooded with these patients.

According to the doctors, the main cause of these diseases among the citizens is carelessness along with the drop in temperature in the city.  The doctors advise citizens to stay safe and try to protect the ears and face during severe cold.

As the cold wave increases, the agony of asthmatic patients has also increased, as they are complaining of shortness of breath, these patients need extra care in the cold season. They are prone to allergies during cold nights. They should avoid going out especially during the wee hours of the morning so that they are protected from the extremes of the weather.

Apart from the increase in the cold wave in twin cities, humidity is also observed in the weather; as a result, a sudden increase in the number of patients approaching the pharmacies is being recorded.

A two-fold increase in the number of patients suffering from these diseases has been recorded and due to the negligence of these seasonal diseases, some patients may have to admit in hospitals and resort to long-term treatment. In this case, extra attention has to be paid for getting treatment by the doctors immediately.

With the onset of winter, citizens should pay attention to their health by giving up cold drinks apart from using warm clothes. According to doctors, simple exercises should be made mandatory during winter so that heat remains present in the body.