Hyderabad: Rs 40L bill for BMW owner after car gets stuck on flooded ORR

Hyderabad: A man from the city incurred a repair bill of Rs 40 lakhs after his BMW was stranded on the Outer Ring Road (ORR) near Kokapet on Friday.

Uday Teja M, an auditor, was travelling in his BMW with his pregnant wife and driver a few days back when his car got stuck in the rainwater logged on the ORR service road.

Sharing his harrowing experience, Uday took to Twitter and said, “Stuck with a pregnant wife in the middle of the night waiting for towing services and an alternative vehicle was the most harrowing experience.”

The tragic experience also cost him Rs 40 lakhs to get his BMW repaired the next day.

Pointing out the poor engineering strategies used in the road construction at ORR, Uday said, “One small error by the engineering team costed me 40 lakhs and two more passers-by a lot more.”

He further questioned the effectiveness of the Strategic Nala Development Program (SNDP), which was launched by the state government to improve the drainage system in the city.

“12 BMWs and 8 Mercs got waterlogged on one rainy night costing the citizens of Hyd crores of rupees. Is this what #SNDP is about?” asked Uday.

Stating that engineers were responsible for the destruction caused to the vehicles at ORR, Uday said, “The great engineering team forgot to put drain holes in the small parapet wall. This didn’t let the rainwater go down the Nala.”

“Constructing Nalas is a great thing but placing a 1 ft high wall and not letting the water go into Nala is a masterpiece. Is there a solution?” Uday questioned.

Commenting on the videos he shared, a Twitter user said, “Unless victims like you file cases in Consumer courts for damages Govt may not act upon such silly issues.”

“I can show 100+ places like this and this is clearly Engineers problem. Even govt also saying they are constructing so many flyovers but most of them lack in design, poor flyovers. It’s a curse to us being here,” said another Twitterati.

“It is not a small error. It is criminal negligence by HMDA and officials. They are giving sub-contract to the normal contractor,” said another one.