Hyderabad: The residents of Shastripuram in the Rizwan colony are facing problems due to the bad roads. The locals say that the drainage manholes are right in the center of the roads. They have given complaints to the officials, but there is no response from them.
From the past four months, the condition of the road has been the same. And the local leaders are not taking any responsibility of the bad roads. Daily road users are also facing problems to go by the way.
The daily road users and commuters are feeling incontinence to travel on the roads. Due to waterlogging mosquito population has also increased, said, Mohammed Haneef a local resident.
The pitiable condition of roads in Shastripuram has robbed the sheen of the festival in their residential areas. Pedestrians and commuters are forced to travel on the roads resembling dust bowls: the locals accuse the GHMC authorities of their sheer negligence of this issue.
Speaking to siasat.com here on Saturday, a local resident shared, “The roads in this colony are in a very bad condition with full of potholes and ditches. During monsoon season these potholes/ditches get filled with rainwater and pose a life threat to several people. Women, children, and senior citizens are the most badly affected since they cannot make out the ditch during monsoon rains.”
He said in the absence of the top cover, Though several representations were made in this regard to GHMC no action has been taken to date. “God forbid before any unwanted incident takes place, we request the GHMC to kindly take up the road repairs immediately,” he added.
Authored by Mohammed Hussain, mohammedhussain.reporter@gmail.com Twitter: @writetohussain