Hyderabad: The Wednesday’s rain in Telangana has played a havoc after a woman was washed away in a Vikarabad town. Two persons have died in Medipally area of Hyderabad after a wall of temple suddenly collapsed.
According to the sources due to sudden rains a 35 year old woman Anita Bai along with her family was returning home in Shahpur area of Vikarabad on city outskirts, amid heavy rains she was trying to cross a lake which was flowing heavily. While trying to save her children she washed away.
In an yet another incident Praveen Kumar and Mohan resident of Vishnupuri colony were going on two wheeler have taken shelter near Hanuman temple at Peerzadiguda.
Due to the sudden rains, the temple wall suddenly collapsed on them which resulted in instantaneous death of two persons. The Disaster Response Force and local police swung into action and retrieved the dead bodies from the debris.
The dead bodies have been shifted to Gandhi hospital for autopsy and a case has been registered.
In the meanwhile, a wall of a Mosque collapsed in the Asifnagar area damaging two parked vehicles.