Hyderabad: Keeping in view the incessant rains in the city from Tuesday morning, the Telangana Police has issued several road diversions for the safety of the citizens. The flow of traffic was disrupted due to continuous rain in the city on Tuesday, both during the morning and evening rush hour. Waterlogging, sand bars on roads, potholes and cracked manhole covers added to the woes of the commuters.
The following diversions were advised to the citizens to follow:
As the Hyderabad to Kurnool Road (NH- 44) beyond Aramghar Junction is totally water locked and no traffic can move till water reduces, all the vehicles going towards Airport, Shadnagar or Kurnool on NH-44 are advised to take ORR (Outer Ring Road) to go to Airport and NH-44. PVNR Express Way could be avoided.
The commuters intending to go towards Gachibowli from Mehdipatnam are advised to avoid Tolichowki Flyover and take Seven tombs road instead. Also, the traffic coming from Gachibowli towads Mehdipatnam are advised to take alternative routes via Shaikpet, Senor valley, Filmnagar, BVB junction and Road No. 12 Banjarahills.
With the Musi river overflowing its maximum level, Puranapool 100 feet road has been completely closed. The commuters, thus, are advised to take diversion towards Karwan.
Malakpet RUB too, is completely blocked. The commuters coming from Chadharghat are advised to take diversion towards Nimboliadda, Golnaka, Ambarpet, Ramanthapur, Uppal and take alternate routes.
Further, Moosaram Bagh RTA Office Bridge between Ali Café, Amberpet road completely blocked due to over flowing of Musi river. Thus, the commuters advised to take alternate routes.
Malakpet to LB Nagar route is completely blocked due to Nala overflow at Malakpet RUB. The commuters are advised to take diversion near Chermas Malakpet, Akberbagh, towads Fire Station, Chenchalguda.
MBNR X road – Falaknuma Railway bridge is totally blocked with heavy rain water. The commuters advised to avoid this road and take alternate routes.
Further, the Hyderabad Traffic Police can be contacted for emergency purposes on the helpline number: 9010203626; and Traffic Control on 040-27852482.