Hyderabad: Rainfall brought relief to the residents of Hyderabad from the scorching heat. The rains are the result Tauktae cyclone that hit the states of Maharashtra and Gujarat.
The weather department in its bulletin has said that there is a low depression of air being formed in the Bay of Bengal and the north Andaman Sea. As a result, one more cyclone is set to occur between May 23 and 24.
Oman has named this cyclone “Yaas”.
In this regard, the director of the weather department has said that the southwest monsoon is likely to advance over South Andaman Sea and adjoining the southeast Bay of Bengal around May 21. As a result, a low depression of air will be formed in South Andaman and its surrounding region which will cause heavy rainfall with thunderstorms in many districts of Telangana.
The IMD has predicted a thunderstorm with rainfall in Hyderabad and its adjoining areas during evening or night time while the temperatures will be between 34-24 degrees Celsius.