Hyderabad: After nearly a decade, all 13 gates of the Himayat Sagar on Wednesday were opened as heavy inflows of water came gushing in due to torrential rains which lashed Hyderabad a day earlier. The water level of the reservoir has been steadily increasing due to the incessant showers over the last three days as well.
Given the situation, which have led to floods across the entire city, the Hyderabad Metropolitan Water Supply and Sewarage Board (HMWSSB) opened 13 spill-way gates of the Himayat Sagar to control the water level of the reservoir, at 9 a.m. Wednesday. The water level of Himayat Sagar was recorded at 1762.867 feet this morning, as against its Full Tank Level of 1763.50 feet.
According to an official from HMWSSB, the amount of water released can be reduced or increased by taking into consideration the inflows the lake receives on Wednesday. The project administration has requested residents of Hyderabad who are residing in its lower dam areas to be vigilant and not to enter the submergence area.
People who were living on the banks of nalas (sewers) and also the Musi River have been evacuated and shifted to shelter homes of the Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation.
At the same time, the Osmansagar reservoir has also been receiving steady inflows as well. The current water level there is 1777.600 feet as against its Full Tank Level of 1790 feet. With HMWSSB opening the gates of Himayatsagar, people are turning up in large numbers to capture the images of the occasion on their mobiles and cameras as well, unmindfuly of the hazard they are putting themselves in.
Heavy rain warning
According to the Meteorological Department, a heavy rainfall warning has also been issued for the entire state of Telangana for the next two days.