An impromptu protest against Brij Bhushan, MP- BJP, accused of sexual harassment of female wrestlers by Hyderabad’s activists took place in front of the Maqdoom statue, Tank Bund from 6.30 to 8 pm, Sunday, 21 May ’23.
It was a vibrant organic protest. The activists expressed solidarity with the female wrestlers who won laurels for the country at the international level and are today fighting for justice and also demanded the arrest of Brij Bhushan Sharan Singh under POSCO and rape charges.

Activists like Sandhya POW, Jasveen Jairath, Sarah Mathews, Majid Shuttari, Padmaja Shaw, Imran Siddiqi, Varsha, Anand, Deepti, young students and others participated in the protest. Some passersby joined the protest and many on the road waved out in encouragement. The message went out loud and strong to the general public. The activists said that the Central Government- the Prime Minister and Home Minister, in particular, should stop shielding Brij Bhushan Sharan Singh.