Hyderabad: Prema Chaudhry, Principal of Marie Pia’s Good Shepherd High School in Nagole allegedly beat a five-year-old student when he did not look at the blackboard while the teacher was teaching. The boy suffered a severe injury to his right cheek and ear. A case was registered against the principal by Chaitanyapuri police on Thursday.
The victim Aele Nagendra Kumar complained to his mother of pain in his right ear and cheek when she picked him up from school on Wednesday. His mother Ms Kavitha found marks on his cheeks and ears and informed her husband, A. Ramu, a marketing executive.
The next day when the family went to the school to inquire, school gave various versions. At first parents were told that the boy was injured while playing. Later they gave some other reason.
However victims father claimed that the principal finally admitted that she beat the boy as he was not concentrating on the blackboard. She admitted that she had twisted the boy’s ears when during her rounds she found the boy looking at his books instead of the blackboard.