Hyderabad, July 04: Hyderabad police would conduct Lok Adalat in the city once in two months to settle all pending cases, commissioner AK Khan told reporters here today after visiting the Lok Adalat organised jointly by the Hyderabad city police and the AP Legal Authority at Nampally court.
“As many as 26,000 cases are pending trial and nearly 12,000 are under investigation in the Hyderabad Police Commissionerate. We are keen to settle all pending cases by organising Lok Adalat which will be helpful to complainants and accused in the respective cases.’’ Most of these cases, Khan said, are compoundable and pertain to simple injuries, pickpocketing and road accidents. With the consent of the complainants and the accused, settlements can be arrived at, relieving the police of pressure.
In the first half of the current year, Lok Adalats were conducted every month with specific focus on one particular zone.“We have spoken to judicial officers and hope this conciliatory form of justice will be and acceptable to all,” Khan observed.